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Sunday 1 November 2015

Representation of Gender

Discuss the ways in which the extract constructs the representation of gender using the following?

This is a clip from the television show Luther. The extract shows an exchange between the two characters: Luther and Alice, one male and one female.

The extract presents many stereotypes of both men and women. The mise-en-scene is at her apartment and she clearly has a large amount of money as from the view out of the window she lives in central London, breaking the stereotype that women rely on men for money and shelter.There is also a stack of books on the table to suggest that Alice is well educated thus breaking another stereotype that men are smarter than women.. She also has red lipstick to represent lust, love and also danger. This is in this way because she is in control of the situation playing games with him. There is also a red chair in the room, this also represents danger. danger to Luther. Mostly during the clip the lighting is natural however when they are outside the lighting is dull to suggest a darker tone to the scene and to the series. She is suggested to be weaker or the villain of the scene or series as the lighting on her face is suggestively darker 

Camera Shots
The beginning of the extract uses an establishing shot in order to set the scene of what looks like the center of a city as well as establishing the characters of Luther and Alice. Many closeups are shown to show the reactions of both Alice and Luther and reveal what they think through their facial expressions. These reactions are also shown through many over the shoulder shots as well.
The camera also begins to directly zoom into Alice's face when she begins to address the black hole, this is to make her seem threatening or mysteriously scary. Mainly throughout the numerous shots Idris Elba's Luther character appears to be the dominant one as the camera shots show him to be bigger so that he looks like he has more power over Alice. This adheres to the common stereotype of the fact that in some ways women are seen to be weaker than men. However when Alice begins to talk about the black hole she appears to become more and more powerful gaining full control of Luther.

Sound is a key aspect of the extract as it is shown predominantly in the first section of the extract as they are in the middle of the city or at least it sounds that way as there are city sounds in the background. When the scene begins to talk about the 'black hole' diagetic sound is used  to make the moment in the scene feel more uncomfortable, tense and confrontational and when the tension levels increase so does the diagetic sound. Throughout the clip Luther is shown to be the more dominant one as his voice and louder than that of Alice's. Alice's voice is portrayed as be quite soft and alluring.

At the beginning of the extract crosscut is used to allow the scene to move swiftly to an indoor setting from an outdoor setting. the scene moves to inside Alice's apartment representing the fact that instead of going to Luther's apartment, Alice's apartment is used instead. Continuity editing is then used to make the scene's closeups and over the shoulder shot seamlessly blend together

1 comment:

  1. Why is this incomplete?

    This is not AS standard work, or effort.

    It needs to be finished.

    In addition, answer the question. So far, your analysis rarely links to how gender is represented in the extract. Use your knowledge of male and female stereotypes, and clearly explain how they are met or challenged.

    Upload the completed work asap.
